
国际音标:44个 中国特色:48(元音 20 辅 28)

  • IPA:107 个(国际音标协会),标记人类语言
  • KK:美式 40 个(Kenyon 和 Knott)
  • DJ:英式 44 个(Daniel Jones)

元音 20

  • 气流通过口腔 无阻碍
  • 声带振动


  • 地道感 的核心
  • 数量:单元音、双元音
  • 时长:长元音、短元音
  • 位置:前、中、后元音

辅音 24

  • 气流通过口腔 有阻碍
  • 声带振动(浊辅音) / 不振动(清辅音)


  • 方式
    • 爆破音
    • 摩擦音
    • 破擦音
    • 鼻音
    • 近音


vowel chart

4 + 3 + 5 = 12个

短元音: [i] [ə] [ɒ] [u] [Λ] [æ] [e]
长元音: [i:] [ə:] [ɔ:] [u:] [ɑ:]

  • 舌前部抬最高
  • 舌位整体靠前的元音
  • 嘴唇扁,嘴越张越大


  • 舌尖在门牙后
  • 嘴唇左右(大幅度)拉伸


  • 短促的跑步音


  • 舌前微抬
  • 短促有力


  • 短促有力,大嘴音


  • 英语语音节奏的基本单位
  • 1元音 = 1音节


  • Thank you for the invitation.
  • Count me in.(算我一个)
  • Can I bring anything? (我可以带什么东西吗?)
  • Do you have enough food?
  • Sorry, I have other plans.
  • I’m afraid I can’t make it.
  • Can you make it to my housewarming party(乔迁派对)?
  • Have you booked a venue yet?(你预定场地了吗?)

RSVP 源自于法语 Répondez s’il vous plaît. = Reply, if you please. 字面意思:请回复

I think we’ve got some, but we’ll need a few more.

  • Dinner’s ready!
  • Are you hungry?
    • I’m not hungry yet.
    • I hope you’re feeling hungry because dinner’s ready!
  • Help youself. There’s plenty of everything. 随便吃吧 / 自己动手吧。都多着呢。

Help yourself 可以自己盛,不用等别人帮我们盛,也可以说 「dig in」(非正式)

Dig in before it gets cold! 趁热吃吧。

  • Would you like a top-up? 要再添点吗?

  • Your glass is empty, can I top it up for you?(top-up 用于饮品,不能用于食物)

  • Do you want seconds? 你要再添一碗吗?

    • I’m full! 我饱了。
    • Thanks, it was delicious, but I’m really full!

This dessert is delicious! Is there enough to have seconds? 这份甜品很好吃!我能再来一份吗?

You can bring a gift to dinner to show respect for your host.

新概念 2 L1 A private conversation


private a.私人的

  • private letter / school
  • private house
  • private detective

n. privacy 隐私

  • It is my privacy.


conversation n. 谈话,交谈

  • talk with sb. about sth.
    • We are talking with each other about the book.
  • chat with sb about sth.(非正式,闲聊)
  • have a conversation with sb. about sth.
    • My father had a conversation with the headmaster about me.

gossip with sb.

  • My mother is gossiping with the neighbor.

theater n. 剧院(美)
theatre (英)


biscuits (英)

apartment (美)


  • have a good seat
  • window seat
  • empty seat
  • book a seat 预订一个座位
  • take a seat
  • get up out of the seat

play n. 话剧

  • musical 音乐剧
  • opera 歌剧

angry a. 生气的

  • be angry with sb.
  • be angry about sth.
  • be angry that + 句子(宾语从句)

attention n. 注意

  • attention, please
  • pay attention to sb./sth.
    • pay a little attention to(稍加注意)
    • pay much attention to(多加注意)
    • pay no attention to(无视)


  • vt. 生
    • She may never be able to bear children.
  • vt. 忍受


  • n. 商业(不可数)
  • 事情、勾当(可数)
    • I never care about his business.

It’s none of your business

rudely adv. 粗鲁的


Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can’t hear a word!’ I said angrily.

'It’s none of your business ,’ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’




  • 过去时
  • 过去进行时
  • get + adj. = 变成(become, turn)
    • Don’t get angry.
  • 地点副词一般在方式副词之后、时间副词之前


The writer went to the theatre last week. He did not enjoy the play. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him. They were talking loudly. The writer can not hear the actors. He turned round. ‘I can’t hear a word!’ he said. ‘This is a private conversation.!’ the young man said.


  1. 零基础完美英语口语速成攻略
  2. 新概念2
  3. busuu 课程