
  • Are you going on vacation this year?

在美国通常说 「on vacation」,英国通常说「on holiday」

  • I’m going abroad this summer. 我今年夏天要出国。
  • I’m planning a staycation here in the US. 我计划在美国这里 居家度假

getaway 是指 短暂 的假期。

Tim hasn’t visited Cairo yet . 蒂姆之前没有去过开罗。

  • An active holidays 活跃的假期
  • a luxury /ˈlʌkʃəri/ stay 豪华住宿
  • package tour 旅行社替你安排的旅行
  • a city break 城市度假

Where do you want to go for your next vacation abroad? 你下次国外度假想要去哪里?

I’ve been there already! 我已经去过那里了。

It’s not my thing! 不喜欢某物。(类似 不是我的菜)

  • Luxury beach getaways aren’t really my thing.

I love active vacations in nature, so I want to spend some time in the Rocky Mountains. 我喜欢在大自然中度过有活力的假期,所以我想花一些时间去爬落基山脉。


  • a journey 旅程(强调移动,从地点 A 到 B 的过程)
    • The journey to the beach took 3 hours. 去海滩的旅程花了 3 个小时。
    • The train journey from New York to San Francisco took several days. 从纽约到旧金山的火车旅程花了好几天的时间。
  • a trip 旅行(强调目的地的活动)
    • We’re planing a trip to the beach to enjoy the sun. 我们正在计划去海滩旅行,享受那里的阳光。


This evening I 'm going snorkeling . 我今晚要去浮潜。(在此前所作的意图或决定)
Tomorrow I 'm going to sunbathe on the beach. 我明天要去海滩晒日光浴。(表达已安排好的计划)
But I have no plans for Sunday. Maybe I 'll go hiking. 不过我星期日没有计划。也许我会去徒步旅行。(说话时所做的即时决定)

Are you going to go somewhere nice this summer? 今年夏天你们打算去一个好地方吗?


  • amazing 惊人的、令人惊喜/惊羡/惊叹的
  • inviting 引人注目
  • unforgettable 难以忘怀的、令人难忘的
  • luxurious 比较贵,但是很舒适(正面的词汇)
  • jaw-dropping 令人惊叹的

新概念 2 L5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞


pigeon /ˈpɪdʒɪn/ n. 鸽子

  • dove /dʌv/ n. 鸽(和平鸽)(诺亚方舟的故事)

surgeon /'sɝdʒən/ n. 外科医生

message n. 口信

  • leave a message for sb. 给某人留口信
  • take a message for sb. 捎个口信
  • send a message

information n. 信息(不可数)

cover vt. 走(一段路程)
We have covered 5 miles so far.

cover the distance

他们花了 7 年的时间从中国到阿富汗。
It took them 7 years to cover the distance from China to Afghanistan /æf’gænə,stæn/ .

keep distance 保持距离

distant adj. 远的

  • In the distant past 在遥远的过去
  • In the not too distant future 在不久的将来

be distant from

request vt. n 请求

  • 收到某人的请求 receive one’s request

request sb. to do.

require sb. to do. (要求)

spare part n. 备件
spare a. 多余的,剩余的
I have no spare money.

  • a spare toilet
  • a spare wheel

improve our service


Mr. James Scott has a garage /ɡəˈrɑːʒ/ in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons /ˈpɪdʒɪn/. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes . Up to now , Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way , he has begun his own private ‘telephone’ service.

詹姆斯·斯科特先生在锡尔伯里有一个汽车修理部,现在他刚在平赫斯特买了另一个汽车修理部。平赫斯特离锡尔伯里只有 5 英里,但詹姆斯·斯科特先生未能为他新的汽车修理部搞到一部电话机,所以他买了 12 只鸽子。昨天,一只鸽子把第一封信从平赫斯特带到锡尔伯里。这只鸟只用了 3 分钟就飞完了全程。到目前为止,斯科特先生从一个汽车修理部向另一个发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。就这样,他开始了自己的私人「电话」业务。

  • in + 时间段 (… 之后,一般将来)
    The train will leave in a few minutes.

The got married in 3 days. (用了多长时间,不是将来时)

  • so far / yet / up to now / up till now / until recently


  • few / little
  • A few / a little
  • some / any
  • much / many / a lot of
  • quite a few + (可数) / quite a little + (不可数) 相当多, 不少
  • quite a lot of + (可数 / 不可数)
  • a great many + (可数,没有 of)
  • a great deal of + (不可数)


  • in this way 通过这样的方式
  • by the way 顺便说
  • on the way 在路上
  • in the way 挡道