

We’re going to have a fantastic holiday next summer. I feel like I will disconnect this time.

  • 基于证据做出的预测:Look at the clouds. It 's going to rain.
  • 基于你的观点和感受做出的预测:I think she 'll get the job.

I’m sure the local food will be delicious.

Look at the prices on the leaflet /ˈliːflət/(传单)! The trip is going to be more expensive than we thought.

horrible 可怕的、恐怖的、极坏的

The location of the restaurant was nice but the food was nothing special(不是特别好) . 餐馆的位置很好,但食物没什么特别的。

The food was nothing special. (菜品一般。)

to leave much to be desired 不尽如人意、有待改进、令人不满意

如果我们说「something leaves much to be desired」,则表示它标准很低。

he water pressure in the villa/'vɪlə/(别墅) was really disappointing.


词尾为 -t 的形式在英式英语中尤为常见

  • burn - burned / burnt

  • dream - dreamed / dreamt

  • learn - learned / learnt

  • smell - smelled / smelt

  • spell - spelled / spelt

hit - hit
put - put
let - let

As soon as I got home, I put the shopping in the refrigerator.

lead - led

We didn’t like the hotel at all. The room was small and the staff were unhelpful.

新概念 2 L6 Percy Buttons 珀西·巴顿斯


beggar n. 乞丐

worker / teacher / gardener (以前地位比较低)
doctor / monitor / director (地位相对较高)
professor / emperor /ˈempərər/ / ancestor 祖先

dollar n. 美元
grammar n. 语法

street artist 街头艺术家(高级版乞丐)

beg v. 祈求

  • I beg your pardon?
  • beg sb for sth
    • beg people for money
  • beg sb. to do
  • I beg you to stay.

pocket n. 口袋
pocket money 零花钱
pocket book
pocket dictionary

call at + 地点
call on sb 拜访某人(短期,顺道地拜访)

  • visit 可长、可短,比较正式
    call at place:参观,拜访某地


I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drank the beer. Then he put(过去式) a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. Later a neighbour told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.



人发出的动作,一般都是 at

  • smile at 对某人微笑
  • point at 指着某人
  • wave at 挥手
  • nod /nɑːd/ at
  • kick at

bear /e/
beer /i/

  • in return 作为回报

    • He sent me a gift. In return, I gave my pocket dictionary to him.
    • He doesn’t want anything in return
  • in return for sth. 作为对…的回报

    • In return for his smile, I nodded at him.
  • stand on one’s head

    • stand on my hands(双手倒立 / 立于手上)
    • stand on my knees
      • I would rather die standing than live on my knees.(我宁愿站着死也不愿跪着生。)


  • lie on the back 平躺着
  • lie on the front / floor


later adv. 过后,以后


I’ll see you later.

once a year
twice a year
3 times

冠词:a an the

  • a / an 不定(一个,某个)
  • the 定(这个,那个)

I have a student.
The student is standing on his head.


  1. 特别指出
    The student is smiling at me.
  2. 双方都知道的事情
    Let’s meet at the school gate.
    the old place
    I’m going to the post office.
  3. 文章中第二次提到
    Once upon a time, there was an old man. The old man had a hen. Then gave him a gold egg every day.

单数名词必须有冠词。(除非有其他的限定条件,比如物主代词 your、his、this 等等)

  • knock sb. out 把某人打昏
  • knock … over 把 … 撞昏
  • knock … off 下班
  • knock at 敲
  • knock 20% off the price 让利 20%