

  • You must sign a tenancy agreement before you receive the keys. 你必须先签署租赁协议,然后才能拿到钥匙。
  • I will get a phone contract when I arrive in Colombia. 在到达哥伦比亚以后,我会签订一份电话合约。
  • I will look up the meaning of the word. 我会查一下这个单词的意思。
  • I need to find the embassy .我得去找大使馆。
  • I have to find a new routine. 我得培养新的生活习惯。

新概念 2 L10 Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐


  • jazz n. 爵士乐
    blues 布鲁斯,蓝调,之后发展为了 jazz 乐
  • musical a. 音乐的
    • a musical talent
    • a musical club
    • a musical instrument
      • instrument n. (实验)仪器;乐器
    • piano / violin
    • saxophone n. <音>萨克斯管
    • drum n. 鼓;鼓声
    • guitar n. 吉他, 六弦琴(像 violin 和 guitar 大多源自意大利语,重音在后面)
    • flute n. 长笛
    • trumpet n. 喇叭;喇叭声
    • clavichord n.击弦古钢琴
  • recently adv. 最近,进来 = lately
    • My brother has recently returned from the U.S.
  • demage vt. 毁坏
    • Smoking can damage your health.
  • key n.
    • 钥匙(不用 of)
      • 以下三个 不用 of 作为 「的」
        门的钥匙 the key to the door
        去学校的路 the way to the school
        问题的答案 the answer to the question
      • keyboard
    • 关键
      • Diet and exercise are the key to good health.
      • 介词后面只能加名词(动名词),the key to leaning
    • 答案
  • string n. 绳子
  • shock vt. 是某人震惊(贬义)
    • 这个消息让我震惊 The news shocked me.
    • suprise 中性
    • be shocked by / at 对…震惊
  • allow v. 允许
    • allow sb. to do
    • allow doing
  • touch v. 触摸


We have an old musical instrument /ˈɪnstrəmənt/. It is called a clavichord /'klævɪkɔrd/. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago . Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father’s.


我们有一件古老的乐器,叫击弦古钢琴.它是 1681 年德国制造的, 我们这架钢琴放在客厅里.我们家拥有它很长时间了,这件乐器是许多年前我祖父买来的.最近它被一位客人弄坏了,她用它弹奏爵士乐! 她按键太猛,把两根弦按断了.我父亲为之震怒. 现在他不允许我们再碰它.父亲的一位朋友正在修理这件古老的乐器.

被动语态 be done

  • We speak English. -> English is spoken by us.
  • We often invite him to our party. -> He is often(两个动词之间) invited by us to our party.
  • 现在进行时的被动语态
    • be doing -> be being done
    • My father is painting the house now. -> The house is being paninted by my father now.


for + 时间段:持续…时间,往往用 have done…

  • I have known him for 20 years.

strike-struck /strʌk/-struck

  • Tom’s friend 好朋友
  • A friend of Tom’s(不能说 A friend of Tom,无生命才可以用 of) 关系一般的