

  • a coral reef 珊瑚礁

  • a sandy beach 沙滩

    • Couples walked along the sandy beach at sunset. 日落时分,情侣们沿着沙滩散步。
  • a waterfall 瀑布

  • a cliff /klɪf/ 悬崖

    • It’s impressive to watch all the water falling down the cliffs. 看着水从悬崖上倾泻而下,真让人印象深刻。
  • a cave 洞穴
    The cave was dark and damp but we went in. 洞穴黑暗又潮湿,不过我们还是走了进去。

  • a wave 海浪

    • During the storm, a wave crashed against the rocks.
  • a coast 海边

Natural places are more relaxing than cities. 自然景点比城市更令人放松。

I feel natural places are better for my health and I always feel less stressed there.

Cities have a more lively atmosphere and generally cheaper accommodation. 城市的氛围更有活力,而且通常住宿更便宜。


I stream video on my cellphone, so I need a plan with lots of data. 我在手机上看视频,所以我需要一个包含很多流量的套餐。

  • a pay-as-you-go plan 按使用量付费
  • a contract 合约

a cell (phone) 美国和加拿大
a mobile (phone) 英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、南非、爱尔兰

同样,data 的发音也是有区别的。

  • a strong signal 信号强劲
  • unlimited calls 无限量的通话时间

I prefer to send messages, so I don’t really need unlimited calls. 我更喜欢发消息,所以我确实不需要无限量的通话时间。

  • a deal 折扣
    I got a great deal on my new cellphone. 我的新手机很划算。

新概念 2 L8 The best and the worst


  • competition n. 比赛
    win / lose a ~
    motor racing 赛车
    horse racing 赛马
    match 角逐
    contest 竞赛(有裁判打分的)
    championship n. 锦标赛,冠军赛
    champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/ n. 冠军

  • neat a. 整齐的 = tidy
    a neat garden
    untidy 邋遢
    messy a. 肮脏的

  • wooden
    wooden table
    wool woolen 羊毛的
    gold golden 金色的 / gold(金的)

  • pool (液体等的)一滩,一片;
    a pool of blood 一滩血
    a pool of ink 一滩墨水
    pond n. 池塘


  1. 单音节词在词尾加 -er 和 -est;
    short-shorter-the shortest
  2. 以 e 结尾,就只加 -r 和 -st
    large-larger-the largest
  3. 以辅音 + y 先变 y 为 i,再加 -er 和 -est
    heavy-heavier-the heaviest
    early-earlier-the earliest
  4. 双音节词和多音节词都在前面加单词 more 和 most
    difficult-more difficult-the most difficult


good / well - better - the best
many / much - more - the most
bad / ill - worse - the worse

The green ball is the smallest of the tree balls.


Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for ‘The Nicest Garden Competition’ each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith’s garden is larger than Joe’s. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe’s garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!



  • nearly 和 almost 意义类似,都是「几乎」, 「差不多」
  • each 和 every 都可以翻译为「每一个」
    • each 更强调个体
    • every 常用来指一个大的、不确定的数目
    • each 可以作为形容词和 代词,但 every 只能作为形容词
      • They each have a share.(代词)
        Each of us has his own work to do.(形容词)
  • make 和 build 在这里是同义词