
Good to go: restitution of art
A new era for Western museums may be at hand. This week a French report went further than any before it in advocating that African treasures in museums should be returned to their countries of origin. The paper, by a French art historian and a Senegalese economist and writer, urges museums to return all objects that arrived from French colonies between the late 1800s and 1960 because they would have been removed without consent, if the country asks for them. France has 90,000 African objects, including 70,000 in the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris. The advice will cause ripples beyond France. More demands are expected, especially of the British Museum, the Victoria & Albert Museum and the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium. The latter is due to reopen on December 9th after a five-year restructuring of the collection amassed during King Leopold II’s private rule over Congo between 1865 and 1908.

  • an era (很长一段时间)
  • at hand (在附近的、即将到来的)
  • to advocate (为捍卫某人而争论)
  • a treasure (非常宝贵的东西)
  • a country of origin (事物的出处)
  • an art historian (艺术历史专家)
  • an economist (贸易、产业和资金专家)
  • a colony (被另一个国家/地区控制的国家/地区)
  • consent (允许做某事)
  • ripples (变化导致的小波澜)
  • to restructure (重新组织或安排)
  • to amass (收集大量的东西)
  • to rule over (统治、控制)

The advice will cause ripples beyond France.


  • 「advice /əd’vaɪs/」是名词,是指某人针对你应该做什么而为你提供的 意见
  • 「advise /ədˈvaɪz/」是动词,是指 「为某人提供建议」这种 行为


  • a primate (猴子、猩猩或猿猴等类型的动物)
  • a hot spring(自然处于高温状态的水体)
  • to investigate (尝试和探索有关某事物的真相)
  • behaviour (你在人前的行为方式)
  • a hot tub (按摩浴缸或热水浴盆)
  • a habit (你经常做的行为)
  • to bathe / to soak (坐在洗澡水中)
  • an attraction (游客参观的事物)
  • an assumption (你在没有任何证据的情况下认为真实的事物)
  • stress (焦虑或紧张感)
  • generation (年龄相同的一群人)

新概念 2 L14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?


  • amusing a. 有趣的,逗乐的
    • amuse v. 使某人开心
    • The joke amused me.
    • amused
      • be amused by 被…逗乐
  • experience
    • n. 经验(不可数)
      • You have a lot of experience of playing computer games.
      • 工作经验 work experience
    • n. 经历(可数)
      • childhood experiences
  • wave n. 波浪
    • wave v. 挥手
    • wave to / at sb.
    • say goodbye to
  • lift vt.举起
    • weight lifting
    • n. 直梯(电梯)
    • escalator /'ɛskə’letɚ/ n. 自动扶梯
    • give sb. a lift 让 sb. 搭车
    • ask sb. for a lift
    • thumb a lift(通常用于英国)
  • reply vi. 回答
    • reply vi. 和 answer vt.
      • answer my question(口头)
      • reply to 书面的回答
  • language
    • native language
    • mother tongue
    • 外语:foreign language
  • journey n. 旅行
    • a shopping trip
    • a sight-seeing trip
    • go on / take a trip / journey


I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, ‘Do you speak English?’As I soon learnt , he was English himself!




  • 过去完成时:had + done
  • 动词 + on 继续
    • read on
    • write on
    • walk on
  • on the way 去…路上
  • in the way 挡道
  • by the way 顺便说一下
  • in 用 + 语言
    • in ink
    • pay in cash
    • 「用」更多的时候是 with
  • apart from 除了…之外(+)
    • besides
    • as well as
    • except 除了(-)
      • Every one is here except Tom.
  • 两个人之间 both / either / neither
    • 直接加名词
      • Both(两者都) restaurants are very good.
      • Neither(两者都不) restaurant is expensive.
      • We can go to either(任何一个) restaurant. I don’t mind.
    • Both / Neither / either + of + the / these / those / my / your + 名词(中间必须有限定词)
    • Both / Neither / either + of + us / you / them
  • learn - learned - learned
    learn - learnt - learnt