

  • I was sleeping when the phone rang.

  • 过去进行时用于描述在一定时间内持续进行且持续时间较长的事件;

    • 过去进行时还用于讨论 临时的行为和情况
  • 一般过去时则用于描述中断前者的持续时间较短的行为。

    • 已经完成的行为或过程
  • She took lots of photos while she was travelling around Europe.

  • I had a great idea while I was having a shower. 我洗澡时想到了一个好主意。


  • to get in shape 减肥塑身、恢复体型
    • I want to get back in shape before my beach holiday. 我想在去海边度假前恢复体型。
  • If I want to get fit, I should probably join a gym.
  • I’d like to get a gym membership for one month, just to try it out. 我想在健身房买一个月的会员,先试试看。
  • You need to sign up for this yoga class at least 24 hours in advance. 你至少需要提前 24 小时才能报上这个瑜伽班。
  • My gym’s personal trainer helped me set a workout plan. 我健身房的私人教练帮助我制定了锻炼计划。
  • Running a marathon is a major challenge. 跑马拉松是一项重大挑战。
  • to lift weights
    • My fitness goal is to lift weights until I can lift 100kg. 我的健身目标是举重,直到我能举起 100 公斤为止。
  • I need to do cardio to keep my heart healthy, but I hate running and cycling. Luckily I love to dance. 我需要通过做 有氧运动 让心脏保持健康,但我讨厌跑步和骑自行车。幸运的是,我喜欢跳舞。
  • to train for an event 为参加一项活动而进行训练
    • I’m training for the Brisbane marathon this year. 我正在为参加今年的布里斯班马拉松比赛而进行训练。
  • I’m so sore after my workout, I’m going to rest today! 锻炼完以后我酸疼死了,我今天要休息!

新概念 2 L18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事


  • pub n. 小酒店

    • hotel
    • a public house
    • pub meal
    • pub landlord 酒馆店主
      • pub landlady
  • landlord n. 店主

    • lord n. 君主,王
  • bill n. 纸币

    • banknote n. 纸币
    • 账单
      • telephone bill
      • gas bill
      • heating bill
      • electricity bill
      • pay the bill
  • have / have got

    • have(美式) = have got(英式) 有
    • I have blue eyes.
      • I have got blue eyes.
      • I’ve got blue eyes.(简写)
    • He/She/It has blue eyes.
      • He/She/It has got blue eyes.
      • He/She/It 's got blue eyes.
    • I don’t have a house. = I haven’t got a house.
    • We don’t have a car. = We haven’t a car.
    • Do you have a dog? = Have you got a dog?
    • How much money do you have? = Have much money have we got?
    • What kind of car does Julia have? = Waht kind of car has Julia got?
    • don’t have to do = haven’t got to do


After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn’t there! As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.
‘Did you have a good meal?’he asked.
‘Yes, thank you, ’I answered, ‘but I can’t pay the bill . I haven’t got my bag. ’
The landlord smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.
‘I’m very sorry, ’he said. ‘My dog had taken it into the garden. He often does this!’


  • have - had - had

  • after 后可以用过去完成时,也可以用过去时:

    • After we had found / found a hotel, we went out.(after 已经表明了先后顺序)
    • before 同理
      • My mother left before I arrived.(这里 arrive 不能用过去完成时)
      • I saw / had seen her a few times before she died.
    • when 无法指出先后顺序,所以仍然按语境使用过去完成时
  • leave

    • 离开 leave A for B
    • 留下,落下 leave sb. sth / leave sth. with sb.
      • I left my wallet on the bus.
      • I left my homework at my home.
      • I left my umbrella at school.
  • now 引起注意,这里如果翻译成「现在」,那么时态就有问题

    • No cheating, now.
    • Now be quiet and listen to me.
  • Bring me the bill please?

    • Could I have the bill?
  • return vi / vt.

    • 返回 vi.
      • I return to my house at 5 every.
    • 归还 vt.
      • I will return the book to you tomorrow.
        return sb. sth
        return sth to sb.
  • 道歉:

    • I’m sorry. / excuse me.
    • I’m terribly/so sorry.
    • 回答:
      • That’s OK. Don’t worry.
      • No problem.
      • Never mind. It doesn’t matter.