新概念 2 L81 Escape 脱逃


  • prisoner n. 囚犯
    • prison 监狱
    • go to prison 入狱;被监禁
    • in prison 坐牢
    • go to the prison 在监狱上班(比如狱警)
  • bush n. 灌木丛
  • rapidly ad 迅速地
    = very fast
    • She could hear rapid footsteps approaching.
    • repid development
  • uniform n. 制服
    • -uni 一
    • unique
    • universe
  • rifle n. 来福枪,步枪
    • gun
    • pistol n. 手枪
    • machine gun n. 机关枪
  • shoulder n. 肩膀
    • shrug one’s shoulders 耸肩
    • look back over one’s shoulder 回头看
  • march v. 行进,行军
  • boldly ad. 大胆地
    • bold a. 大胆无畏的(敢冒险的)
    • a bold descision
  • blaze n. 火焰;v. 闪耀
    • =shine
  • salute v. 行礼,致敬(用动作)
  • elderly a. 年长的
    • an elderly man
    • n. 重击,打击
    • a blow to sb
    • blew - blown


When he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead man’s clothes. Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. He could hear shouting in the camp itself. Lights were blazing and men were running here and there : they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it, stopped at the camp gates. The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed. When they had gone, the driver of the car came towards him. The man obviously wanted to talk. He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes. The prisoner felt sorry for him, but there was nothing else he could do. As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow. Then, jumping into the car, he drove off as quickly as he could.


那个战俘杀死卫兵以后,迅速地把尸体拖进了灌木丛。他在黑暗中忙活了一阵儿,很快就换上了死者的衣服。现在他身穿蓝军装,肩扛步枪,在军营门前大胆地来回走看。他听得军营里面的喧闹声。那里灯火通明,人们在东奔西跑:他们刚刚发现有一个俘虏跑了。正在此时,一辆黑色大轿车在军营门口停了下来。里面坐了 4 个军官。军官们下了车,战俘立正站好,并在他们从他面前经过时敬了礼。他们走后,汽车司机向他走来,这人显然是想聊天。他上了年纪,有着灰白的头发和明亮的蓝眼睛。战俘为他感到惋惜,但却没有别的选择。当这个人走近时,战俘一拳把他打倒在地,然后跳进车里,以最快的速度把车开走了。

  • up and down 来来回回
    • walk up and down in front of the office
  • here and there 各处,到处
  • stand at ease 稍息
  • stand to attention 立正
  • knock vt. 撞
    • knocked down 撞倒
    • knocked over 撞翻
    • knocked sb to the ground